Friday, August 21, 2009

Eat this, this not that!

With all the abundance of information and contradictory research, it's easy to become so focused and confused about what we shouldn't be eating that the focus gets lost on what we SHOULD be eating. This quick tip is meant to keep things simple.

REALLY simple.

Without going into complex details, strive to eat "clean". Now, I'm not talking about washing your food, pesticides, organic vs non-organic debate; that's a whole other separate issue. Instead I'm talking about eating foods that are as close to their natural state as possible. Michael Pollan, author of "In Defense of Food" suggests that we "don't eat anything your great grandmother wouldn't have recognized as food."

While the merits of his argument are a source of debate among the "experts", it does offer a visual for what eating cleanly means:

1. vegetables
2. fruits
3. whole grains
4. lean proteins
5. clean/fresh water

These are the "magic five". Strive to eat from these food groups in MODERATION, with as little additives, preservatives, refining, goos and sauces as possible.

Now isn't that simple?

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