Thursday, February 18, 2010

Your core: more than just abs


Regardless of what you call them, a strong "core" is extremely important for proper development of usable strength and endurance, though it tends to be overlooked by many exercisers. Often "ab work" only focuses on successfully building the "mirror muscle" we can see (namely the "six-pack muscle", the rectus abdominus), but doesn't properly engage the deeper muscles of the core, including the transverse abdominus (your horizontal, or "corset" ab muscle). Focusing on these muscles when exercising, however, has many benefits including pulling in the midsection to gain that sleek look we all desire, decreased injury risk to our lower back, and increased athletic performance. In fact, since the core muscles form a "box" around your spine in the abdomen area, they are the powerhouse for healthy dynamic movement and improved performance in URBAN Boot Camp. Keep in mind that there are also more personal benefits including increased sexual function and incontinence prevention.

Definitions may vary slightly, but generally the muscles of the core are described as the transverse abdominus, the pelvic floor muscles, the lower back muscles (erector spinae), and the diaphragm. As stated before, together they form a box around your spine in your mid-section. Keep in mind that some health and fitness professionals expand the definition of the core to include the gluteals and as well as all of the trunk muscles muscles, minus the arms and legs.

In last night's UBC class, everyone was encouraged to practice Kegel, or pelvic floor, exercises as a part of their regular core regimen to encourage spinal stability and enhance the abdominal and core work done in class. Your homework is to learn about, locate on yourself, and engage these muscles on your own and practice using them.

Here are some great online articles and videos to get you started:

How to strengthen pelvic floor muscles
Pelvic floor muscles, part 1 (video)
Pelvic floor muscles, part 2 (video)

Keep in mind that these exercises are important for men as well as women. A strong core equals more power regardless of who's body we're referring to, so listen, learn, and practice, guys.

Friday, February 5, 2010

Lights, Camera, ACTION!

"Trust only movement. Life happens at the level of events, not of words. Trust movement." ~ Alfred Adler

Check out some of the movement at URBAN Boot Camp this week!


Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Average assessment results (2/2/10)

“The great thing in the world is not so much where we stand, as in what direction we are moving.” ~ Oliver Wendell Holmes

Ending Performance Results*
Winter I 2010

shuttle run (# trips/2 min), 23.5 (start # 18) --> 30% improvement

pushups (# reps/30 secs), 12 (start # 11) --> 9% improvement

sit ups (# reps/30 secs), 13.33 (start # 10) --> 33% improvement

squat (# reps/1 min), 29.83 (start # 27) --> 10% improvement

pushups/sit ups 5x5 (# reps/1 min), 4.25 (start # 1.5) --> 183% improvement

burpees (# reps/1 min), 16.5 (start # 10) --> 16% improvement

line jump (# reps/1 min), 137.16 (start # 116) --> 18% improvement

hover (# mins), 81.66 (start # 56) --> 45% improvement

*Improved assessment numbers in bold.

The body can't help but improve with proper training and effort. Awesome work everyone!
Working on getting the pictures and video from last night up. Stay tuned!

To your fitness success!